Thursday, September 21, 2006

Online Again...

Well, we're online again. We were having some connection issues, but now that we've unplugged and re-plugged the modem, we're good to go.

J turned three on Monday. Aunt C made a race track cake out of cupcakes. It turned out really cute. J got some great gifts: a golf club, fish tank, and clubhouse.

Check out my belly! I am 32 weeks along now, only 8 weeks left. Lots of people are noticing my big belly and cannot believe that I have two months to go. Everyone thinks I'll go into labor early. I refuse to believe that I will ever go into labor. The last 10 days are much more managable that way! The baby's heartbeat is strong and starting to slow down to a human rate. Also, the Dr. says the baby's head-down, so a few more weeks and pounds to go and s/he will be ready to arrive.

Look at this cutie! Auntie A sent him that rockin' skeleton hoodie. He is always excited to get a box in the mail. He thinks every box is from Auntie A!

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