Tuesday, February 19, 2008


I find myself posting a month's worth of highlights rather than my past, daily journal entries. I guess it's a good sign that I'm just busy with boys and cleaning house....

T is keeping us busy with reading! He can actually read words, yo! And not just "mom" and 'dad' words, real words like 'Scat, cats! Get back!' We go to kindergarten round-up at our neighborhood school this friday. He is becoming such a boy, a real kid, right before me. He is zipping up his own zippers and can kind of tie his shoes. He is very excited to get to ride a bus to school. His summer will be filled with swim lessons and T-ball. Whew!

H is toddling along right behind. He's a whopping 27lbs and 32inches tall. He should have all of his teeth pretty soon. It seems like he gets about 5 at a time. It makes for a soggy, grumpy boy, but at least it doesn't last long. He's chatting much more and mimics our tones and the sounds of our words now. He is such a funny kid, he really has a sense of humor. He still loves to hit and bite T, so we're working on that. He just loves the reaction he gets from his big brother. I found a few of T's old clothes and so now H is all decked out in hand-me-downs. We have lots of shorts and t's that will come in handy when we visit San Diego in a few weeks.

On the adult front, A is getting ready for the Adult Baseball League try-outs and I'm signing up for a beginning photography class. We are getting ready for some yard work and can't wait for spring weather to start. I think we only a couple more warm, sunny days for the plants in the front yard to bloom. I'll post a picture when we get a few. In the meantime, here are some pics:

The boys playing in their "Castle Blanken".

H chasing Aussie our new dog! He absolutely had to wear those boots!

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