Saturday, March 08, 2008

Family of Five

Our niece, K, spent her first night with us last night. Her parents won a cruise and we badgered them into taking the free trip and leaving the kid with us. She did great, hardly any tears at bedtime and she's relaxing around T and H a little. She still looks at them with disgust because they're stinky boys and she can tell even at 18 months. I think by the end of the 10 days she'll be out back hitting them with sticks. I'm pretty excited to have her for a bit, but it does mean that we can't go anywhere without taking two cars. A will have to pick T up from school all next week. If you're out and about, stop by because I will definitely need some company/chocolate in the afternoons! I'll be sure to post pics of the mania as I take them...

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