Wednesday, June 28, 2006

In the Summer Time...

It's been unseasonably hot around here lately. 102 degrees on Monday! T and I have been lounging around in the air-conditioning grumping it up. For a kid who looks so much like his dad, he sure did get his mother's personality quirks. I'm the first to admit that I am less than pleasant in hot weather, but T made me seem positively peachy with all of his bossy, demanding, snippy behavior. You can't be too mad at him though, look at how cute he is all decked out for summer with his ice cream cone and tank top!

Also, I am officially past the 20 week mark of this pregnancy. I have no grand illusions of actually giving birth to this child, though. I'm sure that, come Thanksgiving, I'll be in the hospital with some nurse checking my "progress" after untold amounts of labor-inducing chemicals have been administered. It seems that I am the chosen carrier of children, but if you're looking to do some real-life birthin' you have to check up some other skirt....

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