Sunday, August 27, 2006


The cake from Helen Bernhard's is pretty. We haven't eaten any yet, since we spent most of yesterday in Eugene(more on that later), so I'll have to report back to you on the quality of the bakery. I've heard they are excellent...

The family consensus is that we've been married for 5 years. That's quite a while! People were surprised that we didn't do anything special. It seems to me that we shouldn't put too much emphasis on counting the years of marriage, but enjoy all the days we get to spend together. I guess I'd marry the guy all over again! Maybe we'll do something really cool for 10 years. Maybe it'll involve some new jewelry....

I cut T's hair and now he looks like a real big boy. Check him out! He has a little cow-lick like his dad on one side, so he looks a little like he's got permanent bed-head. He is awfully cute, though, isn't he? The boys just came back from the fruit stand and they brought me a terriyaki stick! Yummy! T took a bite and offered to share with Daddy because the pepperoni is "goo-ood!" A says meat should not be spongy and wrapped in cellophane. Crazy vegetarian! Well, I'm off to research easments in Multnomah county. Wish me luck!

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