Sunday, September 21, 2008

My life never slows down

I thought that after T was settled in class everything at home would start to slow down. That hasn't been the case. I feel as harried and pressed for time as always. Something is always dirty and there's always lunch or snack to make. I seriously need to re-establish my priorities! Who needs a clean bathroom, clothes or kitchen floor? Oh, yeah, sometimes we do! Thankfully, the weather is beginning to cool down, so my two-hour chore window( a.k.a. nap time) won't be too sweaty for the next couple of weeks.

A and I have also been having some serious talks about where our family is heading and what we'd like to accomplish in the next 15 years with the boys. Don't worry, we're not talking about weekend visits or anything. Just things like perhaps a less fancy house and less luxurious things that will give us the freedom to travel when H is old enough. Experiencing new cultures and traveling outside the US was always something we wanted to do. It turns out that old adage, "Less is more" is true for us.

Another hot topic is the upcoming election, of course. Everyone is talking about it, as they should be. I have been getting lots of emails about the election, well, mostly about Sarah Palin. I've forwarded some of the ones I find most interesting or thought provoking. If you want to know what I think, give me a call or drop me an email. I don't want to bore you with my political analysis.

oh, yeah, a shout out to Cousin J who is now officially 5 years old! Happy Birthday, J! His party was great and I'll post pictures after I sort through all 100.

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